
God’s But’s

22/03/15. Speaker Pastor Reuben Baker. Continuing on from last weeks message “Looking at our buts”, we learn that God has “buts” as well but uses them to draw us closer to Him unlike our “buts” that push us away. Click to listen on Podomatic

Looking at your But

15/03/2015 Pastor Reuben Baker, Sometimes we look at the obstacles instead of the promises instead of the promises that are given to us. These problems can be our excuses (“Our But’s”) For not walking the walk in our relationship with God.

Seasons of Life

Guest speaker Pedro Alexandrino shares with us on the Seasons of Life. Life has its ups and downs and in-betweens. Pedro relates the climates of life to the different seasons and how it constantly revolves.  Listen on PodOmatic

Crazy talk

Guest speaker, Graeme May shares with us on “Crazy talk”. Don’t be afraid to step into your God given dreams and pursue them no matter how crazy they seem to the world around you. David wearing no armour slay a giant with a stone – is this not crazy? Noah built an ark with not…

Being a wise steward of finances

Stewardship is managing everything God brings into the believers’ life in a manner that honours God and impacts eternity – even our finances. Ps Reuben shares some key bible scriptures that give direction on how to honour God first with our finances.  Listen on PodOmatic